Amazon describes a “6 Rs” model, which is based on Gartner’s “5 Rs” model and illustrates how companies migrate to AWS. Repurchase, replatform, refactor, rehost, retire, and retain are the 6 Rs of the model. We’ll look over each of these in depth in this article and show you how to pick the best R for your needs. We’ll also show you how Nuvento Cloud Managed Services can make it simple to migrate massive amounts of data to the cloud.

In this article, you will learn:

1. The 6 Rs: AWS migration Strategies in Depth

2. Comparison of AWS 6 R’s strategies

3. How to decide which application migration strategy to choose?

4. Lift and shift for data with Nuvento Cloud Migration Service

AWS Migration Strategies in Depth (The 6 Rs)

Repurchase is the most cost-effective and time-efficient choice, while Refactor / Re Architect is the most challenging but also offers the most opportunities to optimise the programme and use cloud-native capabilities.

1. Repurchase (“Drop and Shop”)

Decommissioning the program and replacing it with a cloud-based counterpart, usually available on the Amazon Web Services Marketplace, is the goal of this technique. This is effectively a licensing change—you may now use the same program as a cloud service instead of obtaining an on-premise licence. This involves less effort than “lift and shift” because you are not relocating anything and are simply establishing a new licence agreement on the cloud.

2. Rehost (“Lift and Shift”)

This strategy involves moving apps from on-premises to the cloud without making any changes to them. It’s typically used to convert large-scale legacy programmes to meet specific business objectives, such as a speedier product launch date.

Rehosting appears to be a simple process, and it is. On Amazon Web Services, there are proven technologies that make this achievable with minimal effort. The disadvantage is that it will only be able to leverage the cloud-native environment to a limited extent if no changes are made to the software.

3. Replatform (“Lift, Tinker and Shift”)

The replatform technique entails migrating apps mostly unchanged, but with some components replaced to take use of cloud computing.

4. Refactor / Re-Architect

To adapt a programme to the cloud, this technique necessitates a complete rewrite. It’s useful when you need cloud-native features for a specific business necessity, such as increased development agility, scalability, or performance.Separating the software into independent services and migrating to a microservices architecture are common refactoring techniques.

A. The most expensive approach

Refactoring / rearchitecting is the most expensive, time-consuming, and risky migration approach. Many, if not all, apps, either before or after migration, are refactored for the cloud.

B. Reaching the tipping point

Refactoring isn’t a black-and-white decision; rather, it’s a question of when—when will the benefits of cloud-native features exceed the labour and interruption caused by a refactoring project?

5. Retire and 6. Retain

The last two solutions are “passive,” in the sense that they do not involve moving an application to the cloud. Let’s take a look at some of the most common reasons why an application isn’t moved to the cloud.

Reasons to Retain applications on-premises

  • The company has a significant investment in the on-premise application and may be working on new features.
  • Cloud infrastructures do not support legacy operating systems and apps.
  • There is no commercial reason for the cost and disruption of migration because the application is running well.
  • For industries that must adhere to stringent compliance rules that necessitate on-premise data storage.
  • The on-premise option may be the preferable alternative for applications that require extremely high performance.

Several reasons to retire applications entirely as part of the migration project

  • In many circumstances, you may find redundant programmers during a migration operation, and shutting them down might save you money.
  • There may already be plans in place to decommission or merge the application with others.

Comparison of AWS 6 R’s strategies

The complexity, opportunity to optimize, and effort of these six tactics vary (money and time).

How to decide which application migration strategy to choose?

This selection always depends on the circumstances of your particular application. If you have two or more apps, you might start with the simpler ones and migrate them first, then move the more complicated ones as you gain more expertise and experience.

Understanding how your new environment will operate once you’ve moved your data to the cloud, as well as the specific benefits of choosing an AWS Cloud environment for your organisation, is essential to making the right selection.

Lift and shift for data with Nuvento

There are a variety of ways to migrate to AWS, but the lift and shift method is the quickest, easiest, lowest-risk, and most cost-effective option to get started.

The lift and shift migration method entails transferring your application and associated data to the cloud with little changes. Applications are “lifted” from their current surroundings and “shifted” to other locations, such as the cloud, in their current state. Typically, no significant changes to the application’s data flow, architecture, or authentication methods are required.

However, the correct tools are required for a successful lift and shift migration approach. As a result, many businesses are turning to solution providers like Nuvento to assist them with data migration and ongoing data management.

On AWS and Azure Cloud Migration, Nuvento Cloud Volumes ONTAP, the premier enterprise-grade storage management solution, provides secure, proven storage management services. Cloud Volumes ONTAP has a capacity of up to 368TB and may be used for a variety of purposes, including file services, databases, DevOps, and any other corporate application.