
Your body language in any kind of setting is what makes most of the impact. When training for an interview, the part your bosses might note the most is not your personality but your body language. Many people start up with a weak speech, but their body language makes the audience feel like it’s interesting.

That way, even if you develop the argument at a slow pace, it will be fine! Body language is the back of all those investors you impress or deals you sign. Maintaining eye contact, giving hand gestures, and not moving legs unnecessarily are challenging for many people.

You might plan not to do anything inappropriate, but you might mess up right at the moment. Usually, this happens because people get nervous or too self-conscious that they dont have a hold over their body language.

Here in this article, we will not only explain how body language is crucial to your career but more. We will guide you on everything about how messing up on body language details can fail your important deals. We will also tell you the basics of building confidence and delivering any performance the ideal way.

Remember, whether you’re giving an interview or discussing a project to cut a deal, you’re performing. In reality, you should train yourself like an actor or on-screen performer who has lines to get done with. Now we’re not telling you to pretend to be something you’re not.

However, we certainly advise you to put up a cover of confidence even if you dont feel like it. This will help you build confidence for real! Scroll below to learn more about how you can fool your mind into stepping out of the shell!

The Importance Of Body Language

Your postures and style of talking to people are directly or indirectly always being noticed. In short, people consciously or unconsciously always change how they think about you based on how you conversate. Now, what can you expect from an employer if your friends and family members can’t help it?

Admitting that people judge us in all our surroundings can make us nervous, but facing that nervousness can make one confident.

Now you should know the ins and outs of analyzing and understanding body gestures and language because you might also be interviewing one day. Only a very experienced person can judge and hire an employee who doesn’t pay much attention to things as tiny as posture.

Even then, one can never guarantee on what basis people make an opinion of them. Here are some reasons you should work on your body language and posture:

  • Showing inappropriate gestures in sensitive situations such as in a courtroom, can be risky
  • Makes it easier for you to judge the people in the room in the corporate world
  • Builds your confidence in meetings, interviews, presentations and when delivering a speech
  • To build good connections in work-life and bonds in other aspects of life
  • In order to adjust to any kind of environment that you might be exposed to

The Five Types Of Body Language

Gesture Clusters: These are the involuntary movements our hands or posture make most of the time. Some people are used to moving their hands a lot while speaking or explaining something.

Now, if your habit is getting out of hand, it might irritate the person in front. Even if you are confident while delivering a speech, you have to watch if you’re overdoing some postures and actions.

Congruence In Body Language: Usually, when you’re talking about a subject you’re well aware of, your actions align with whatever you say. On the other hand, if you feel slightly confused or unsure, your actions and postures lose track.

This connection is called ‘congruency’. The key here is to match your verbal communication with non-verbal gestures.

Content/Surroundings: While having a conversation, one has to take care of the surroundings and the environment. In an office meeting, the setting might require you to stay formal and move in limitations, so your body language will differ.

However, if your office isn’t some new place and you are comfortable, a bit of informal posture might be natural for you. Similarly, showing signs by scratching the nose or moving your legs out of nervousness during an interview isn’t so bad.

On the other hand, when you do it while completing a presentation to impress clients, this body language might not work.

Consistency In Behaviour: This is more useful advice for interviewers than interviewees. As a person marking or judging another on the basis of postures and eye contact, you should notice consistency.

If you notice someone’s behavior or the level with which they maintain eye contact is fluctuating, there might be some flaw. Most people who are not able to maintain good eye contact do so because of a lack of confidence. However, people may also take it as lying, misguiding or misinforming in some settings.

Culture Significance: This type of analysis of body language is mostly just theoretical. Cultural significance can have a huge impact on your body’s gestures and language.

What might be odd in one culture could be completely normal in another. Many expert book editors also write about how culture impacts the way we should maintain eye contact or show hand gestures!


In conclusion, there are only a few types of body language types one should know of. However, when it comes to coping with all those types in real life, things get a bit complicated. But with the tips and tricks we have guided you about, you can’t fall.

Just practice things with consistency, and no one can stop you! Remember, reading a theory about non-verbal communication is not enough. You have to be practical and train yourself. Many people have to go through complete personality shifts to become better communicators!