Social media has turned the tables on how brands market their products and services. This is no different for events that rely on ticket sales to make a profit. With the powerful social media marketing strategies in place, event organizers can effectively reach out to their target audience to drive ticket sales. And with the pandemic limiting in-person events, social media promotion of virtual events is crucial for their success. In this blog post, we’ll outline some powerful social media marketing strategies that event organizers can utilize to boost their online ticket sales.

Utilize Paid Ads

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter offer paid advertising functionalities that can help event organizers target potential ticket buyers. These ad tools offer laser-focused targeting based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and location, making it easier for event organizers to reach their intended audience. Be sure to split test ad copy and run ads for long periods to get an accurate measure of how well they do.

Leverage Influencers

Influencer marketing is another powerful social media marketing strategy that event organizers can utilize. Working with influencers in the event niche, those with a loyal and engaged following, can help drive ticket sales to an event. Event organizers can partner with influencers to promote the event to their following as they can usually generate excitement and encourage their followers to purchase tickets. Consider incentivizing the influencers for the promotional work, such as free tickets or VIP access.

Optimize Hashtags

Event organizers can use hashtags on various social networks to promote events to broader audiences. Hashtags are a great way to improve reach on social media. Use unique hashtags to the event to highlight the event and make sure they’re featured on all event marketing materials posted on social media. Encourage event-goers to use the hashtags during the event and in their pre and post-event social media posting to enhance exposure.

Create Enticing Content

Sharing engaging social media content is key in driving online ticket sales. Create relevant, eye-catching content for the event to encourage potential ticket buyers to make a purchase. Note that social media audiences respond well to video content more frequently than any other content type. Create behind-the-scenes videos, event teasers/cinematics and overview videos. Branded content can help build buzz and interest around an event, and prompt ticket sales.

Use Retargeting Advertisements

Retargeting advertisements can help event organizers to reach individuals who have shown interest in the event. When a user visits the event website or clicks a link to make a payment, they’ll install tracking cookies that allow the event organizers to follow up with ads that feed to their previous actions. Retargeting is a great way to regain a prospect’s attention and push them through the funnel to make a purchase.

Effective social media marketing strategies can help event organizers to boost online ticket sales. Promoting events on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the like can help in reaching a broader audience. When combined with tactics like influencer marketing, hashtags, and retargeting ads, event organizers can interact with potential buyers, generate excitement, and encourage ticket purchases. Finally, remember that creating compelling content is key. As a result of utilizing these powerful social media marketing strategies, event organizers will increase online sales, build up a loyal fanbase for the events and keep people coming back year after year.