One billion monthly active users!!

Instagram has more than 1 billion monthly active users. That’s more people than live in the UK and Canada combined.

Instagram’s growth is driven by its success in the Stories format, which lets you share photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. The company says it has over 200 million users who send over 300 million messages daily.

Snapchat recently overtook Instagram as the most popular social media platform among teens (though Instagram still reigns supreme among adults). The Instagram story feature was launched in August 2016, at the same time as Snapchat’s “Stories” feature. Since then, Instagram has been growing faster than Facebook and Twitter—but not by much.

Instagram is Getting Popular More than Ever

Instagram’s key feature is its use of hashtags to categorize pictures and videos. Users can search for photos and videos using the hashtag, which makes it easier for other users to discover content posted by people they are interested in following. This has led to an increase in the number of users who follow a specific topic or lifestyle.

Instagram’s features have also made it one of the most popular social media sites, with over 200 million monthly active users as of December 2018.

Instagram Announces Support for Landscape and Portrait Modes in IGTV

Instagram has added landscape and portrait modes for IGTV.

Now you can watch videos in the best way possible: with your phone at a comfortable angle or upright on a table.

With these new modes, you can enjoy watching videos on IGTV wherever you are. Whether lying back in bed or sitting on the couch with a snack, there’s no better way to watch videos than from your phone.

You’ll see the option to change between landscape and portrait modes when viewing an IGTV video. To access this setting, tap the hamburger icon in the upper right corner of your screen (it looks like three lines), then select Settings > General Settings > Landscape/Portrait Mode.

Instagram is an Extremely Powerful Tool for Social Media Marketing

Instagram has been around for a while, but it’s only recently that the platform has become a significant player in social media marketing.

Instagram is a top-rated photo-sharing app with over 500,000 active advertisers and over 100 million users worldwide. Instagram is one of the most popular platforms for sharing photos and videos, and it’s also one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience.

Instagram is an excellent platform for influencer marketing. You can use Instagram to find authentic voices who can help spread awareness about your brand or product. You can use hashtags like #shop, and #buy or create custom ads directly on the app, allowing you to reach more potential customers than ever before. And if you’re looking for an eCommerce platform, Instagram is also a good choice.

Perks of Possessing a Huge Fanbase Through Instagram Following

There are a lot of perks to having a big Instagram following. For starters, it can be an effective way to market your business and get more exposure. More exposure means you’re more likely to find customers who want your offer. This means more revenue.

Another perk of having a larger audience on Instagram is that they are less likely to ignore new posts or follow-backs (like when someone retweets one of yours). They might even leave comments on some of your photos if they like them enough. All these little interactions will lead to the next step: building trust between potential customers and yourself as an actual person with honest intentions behind each image/post.

Having more followers makes you seem credible in terms of influence. Even if your followers aren’t interested in anything else, simply seeing another person who has shared something interesting may lead them down another path later (which could turn into something huge!).

Read: Why Customer Experience Is Key To A Successful Digital

Third-Party Service Providing Apps and Tools

You may be thinking: “But I want to buy followers,” And I get it—it’s a lot of work to build up a big following on Instagram. But several companies sell followers, and they’re all over the internet.

If you search Google for “buy Instagram likes UK” or “buy Facebook likes,” you’ll find many options for buying your favorite celebrities’ fan bases directly from their profiles. For example, if you want more followers on Instagram, then paid services like “Buy Instagram followers” are an option. They’ll set up new accounts with fake names and photos so that they look exactly like their real ones—and it costs just $5 per thousand views.

Buy Instagram Followers from Legit Companies

You can buy Instagram followers, but it’s essential only to be careful and buy from legitimate companies.

There are many ways to buy Instagram followers. Some companies offer fake followers, which is illegal and can get you in trouble with Instagram if they find out. Other companies will try to sell your account or sell the information about your account to someone else. It would be best if you only bought from a reputable company with good reviews and legitimate service, so make sure you look at their website before purchasing anything.

There are several things you can look for when searching for an account creator:

  • Get more Instagram followers, Instagram Profile viewers, and the number of followers you have! Look at the customer service page on their website and make sure there are no complaints like “I’m disappointed” or “The service was poor.”
  • When you set out to buy Instagram followers, read through this particular company (either online forums like Reddit or Twitter). This will give you an idea of whether you feel comfortable going forward with this company or not.

Final Tip at the Time of Buying Instagram Followers

One final tip when buying followers is to ensure Digital Marketing Involves SEO with doesn’t spam Instagram accounts. This can be a significant problem for brands and businesses, as it can seriously damage your reputation on social media.

If you are going this route, there are two main ways of doing so:

  • You can buy packages from various companies that sell large amounts of followers at low prices. You’ll have no idea what quality these accounts might have because they won’t tell you in advance; plus, some may even sell fake profiles.
  • You could use software or tools that allow users themselves to create their bots on Instagram automatically without having any coding knowledge. However, they have substantial maintenance fees and all that, plus no credibility.

Conclusion: Milestone Hit by Instagram in the form of 1B Users

So, there you have it, the ins and outs of buying Instagram followers. Hopefully, this article has helped you understand more about the process and why getting a big Instagram following is essential. Remember, if you’re unsure what kind of Instagram account would be best for your business or brand. I highly recommend starting with doing some research on the services these companies offer and the reviews people leave there. It is essential to grow your brand with the proper following to get the best out of Instagram.