Many companies should switch to getting a special purpose vehicle. You may also hear this referred to as an SPV or SPV investment. The best way to determine whether or not an SPV is right for your business is to make sure that you break down what the SPV is used for. You will also want to look into the top benefits that you get when dealing with SPV investing.

What Are SPVs Used For

Special purpose vehicles are an entity of a special purpose. They are a subsidiary company for a specific business activity or purpose. For example, one common purpose is to help structure finance applications. Property deals, joint ventures, or asset securitization all fall under this umbrella. Another reason an SPV may be used would be to isolate the business’s assets, operations, and risks from the parent company.

Special purpose vehicles help to provide protection to the parent companies’ liabilities and assets. This helps to make the business attractive for those that are looking for a project to do, but who are unsure about the risk to the parent company. If you want to acquire new assets for your business, or you want to raise capital for a new project, you may want to look at getting an SPV, as the benefits of doing so are vast.

1. Risk Sharing

An SPV will isolate the parent company away from any project-affiliated risk. Certain projects will have more financial risk. The higher the financial risk is, the more uncertain it will be for the parent company. Creating an SPV will allow your company to take the risk legally, without having to risk anything with the parent company. By mitigating this risk, the special purpose vehicle will have more operational freedom. This can help you to do more within your business, and help to relieve stress that you or other members of your business may have about upcoming projects, investments, and asset acquirement, added Sam Sutterfield, Accredited Investment Fiduciary and Certified Estate & Trust Specialist, co-founded Elevate Wealth Management where he is a Managing Partner. As an RFC®, AFI®, and CES®, Mr. Sutterfield brings 18 years of experience in banking and finance to his firm. He is known for his keen investment planning and financial analysis skills. Along with his wife and children, he spends his spare time cooking, hiking, and traveling.

2. Capital Management

Pooling funds are one of the most common reasons for starting a special purpose vehicle. Pooling funds is the best way to get an early-stage startup company up and running. An SPV will allow 250 accredited investors to invest their investment capital within the business. Fundraisers can also be done to help keep a startup’s cap table clean. This will help future bookkeeping, and ensure that the business is getting off to a great start. Many business owners are now looking at SPV administration services because of the benefit of capital management.

3. Flexibility

Special purpose vehicles are preferred over other investment strategies because of the flexibility it offers. They are not a one size fits all invest model like so many other models out there. An SPV can be tailor-made and modified to work within the particular needs that you have. People also like the fact that SPV investing is not just for start-ups. It can be used for several different investment strategies, including other assets, private funds, real estate, and so much more.

How to Get Started with an SPV

To get started with your SPV, you will need to do several steps. It is important that you take your time, and ensure that you have help to set it up. While setting an SPV up is not difficult, you will want to ensure that you have done it correctly for legal purposes. The following steps will need to be taken:

  • Formation. You will need to make sure that you go through all the legal formalities. Some businesses will help you through this process. You will need your entity information and your bank account information.
  • Inviting investors. After the formation of your SPV, you will want to invite investors. You should be able to onboard investors with ease. Make sure that you keep track of which investments have been committed, which investments have been signed, and which investors have at least reviewed the deal.
  • Deploying capital. After you have the investments, the capital can be deployed.

If you are interested in a special purpose vehicle, make sure that you do your research, and speak to other members of your business. If you decide to do an SPV, make sure that you format it correctly, advertise for investors, and make sure that you do everything that you can to make the process a success.