A psychiatric disorder is a mental ailment that significantly affects an individual’s mood and behavior. The victim always remains disturbed and feels difficult to make common decisions. In severe cases, people with disorders cannot live longer. Apart from this, the symptoms of this problem get worse with upsetting traumatic events, such as the death of someone. Such disorders can interfere with the patient’s personal and professional life and create an unhealthy environment at home and the office. However, qualified psychiatrists can help to treat this health issue.

A trusted source suggested that around 15% of Indians suffer from mental health conditions each year. Although there are many reasons for developing mental illness, genetics and environment are the most common. The secondary factors are excessive alcohol consumption, stressful events, childhood trauma, and unhealthy habits. If your close ones are experiencing mental problems, it is crucial to visit a toppsychiatric hospital in Chandigarh or any other city to get effective treatment.

It is important to detect the early signs of psychiatric disorders so that vital steps can be taken on time. We have curated a list that describes seven psychiatric disorders:

  • Anxiety Disorder

We all experience time to time in our lives, but if it is consistent, there is something wrong. Anxiety forces you to think about painful or negative similar situations in the future. The individual with this disorder always remains fearful and not able to live life to the fullest. Panic disorders, specific phobias, and panic disorders come under anxiety disorder. The sufferers of this health issue experience sweating, trembling, breathlessness, headache, and dizziness.

  • Mood Disorder

Next in line is a mood disorder, which is also called an affective disorder. Individuals with this problem have extreme mood fluctuations. Sometimes they are tremendously happy and sometimes immensely sad; they lose control over their emotions. Depression, bipolar disorder, and cyclothymic disorder come under this category. It is pretty difficult for laypeople to understand such people, but pro-psychiatric hospitals can help in treating them.

Fatigue, loss of appetite, poor concentration, helplessness, and insomnia are the early signs of mood disorders.

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Hoarding, counting, hand washing, and repeating words in the head are associated with OCD. Individuals with this mental ailment experience an unwanted urge to do some task or repeat actions. They tend to believe in certain myths and follow them undesirably. It is a long-lasting problem that never goes on its own. Professional assistance is required to eliminate compulsive behaviors that disturb one day in today’s life.

  • Dissociative Disorder

One may suffer from a dissociative disorder if one experiences a disconnect between thoughts, surroundings, and memories. The most common types of Dissociative disorder in people are dissociative identity disorder, dissociative amnesia, and depersonalization disorder. This mental ailment develops in individuals when they are dealing with trauma. Often children with emotional, sexual, and physical abuse become victims of this disorder.

  • Eating Disorder

Abnormal eating patterns are also considered a psychiatric problem. People with eating disorders eat much more than their capacity or body needs. This can lead to cardiovascular or kidney problems. Although this ailment’s exact cause is unknown, complex psychological, biological, and genetic problems can increase the odds of an eating disorder.

  • Personality Disorder

Inflexible thoughts in people can induce personality disorders in them, which can lead to serious problems in professional and personal relationships. Personality disorders include borderline personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, and antisocial personality disorder. Such people feel difficult to relate with people because of their rigid thinking. The experts of psychiatric hospitalsprovide efficacious therapy to break down such people’s rigid thinking and help them live normal lives.

  • Addiction Disorder

Getting addicted to substances like alcohol, drugs, or marijuana or poor habits, such as gambling also characterized as psychiatric problems. Exposure to violence and emotional trauma are key causes of this disorder.

The Bottom Line-:

Physiatric disorders must not be ignored and treated on time by visiting the best psychiatric hospital. They help you get out of the most traumatic events of life, such as job loss, betrayal, and death of loved ones. A psychotherapist combines medication with therapy when the symptoms become worse.

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Liam Smith
Liam Smith is a health and fitness blogger who is passionate about helping people achieve their health and fitness goals. With over 6 years of experience in the fitness industry, Liam has worked with a wide range of clients, from beginners to professional athletes. He has written extensively on topics such as strength training, nutrition, and weight loss, and he is dedicated to providing practical and actionable advice to his readers. Liam believes that everyone has the potential to achieve their health and fitness goals, and his mission is to help them get there. When he's not writing or working with clients, Liam enjoys running, hiking, and trying out new healthy recipes.