EV charging

In recent years, electric vehicles have become more and more widespread. Their design is being improved, the offer is expanding – the world giants of the automotive industry have seriously taken up this topic and offer new, perfect models. Some countries have already announced the timing of the full transition to electric traction. But this is not the first coming of cars with an electric motor. At the dawn of motorization, the electric motor successfully competed with the internal combustion engine.

History of electric vehicles

The first electric vehicles appeared in the nineteenth century. They confidently competed with imperfect internal combustion engines and bulky steam engines. The speed of 100 km/h was first obeyed by an electric car. And only in the twenties of the last century, the internal combustion engine, which was being improved at a rapid pace, became the main type of engine for cars. Electric vehicles required a long charge and had a limited range.

The next wave of enthusiasm for electric machines began in the sixties and seventies. The reason is the energy crisis and the unfolding struggle for the preservation of the environment. And again, the internal combustion engine won: it became more perfect, more economical, cleaner. Electric cars got narrow niches of short urban transportation, special environmentally friendly and silent transport. But they never became widespread. The reason is the same – imperfect batteries and a limited power reserve.
Now we are experiencing the third coming of electric motors.

Externally, an electric car differs little from a fellow with an internal combustion engine. Yes, and structurally they are similar: Body, suspension, engine, transmission. But there are some serious differences. The first is batteries. Modern batteries are relatively compact, but still occupy a large volume and are of considerable weight. They try to place them as low as possible: in the bottom of an electric car, on the floor of the trunk. Electric cars don’t have a gearbox. The optimal torque characteristic of the electric motor allows you to abandon it. Yes, and all-wheel drive can be implemented using separate electric motors for the front and rear axles, without a complex transmission. Some electric vehicles still have… radiators. The electric motor and battery become very hot during operation and require effective liquid cooling.

What are the advantages of electric vehicles?

The benefits of electric vehicles can be briefly summarized in three points: driving comfort, economic benefits, environmental care!

Those who have experience driving vehicles on electric traction note its easier handling, the almost complete absence of vibration, fast acceleration and silent operation. A car of this type generates much more torque and is able to reach its maximum speed in the shortest possible time. Thus, even small electric cars with low kilowatt characteristics have advantages in acceleration compared to fuel-powered models.

The development of energy technology processes, including the active involvement of alternative energy sources, invariably leads to the fact that owners of eco-transport will be able to independently choose the most convenient tariff for charging their car. This can be both preferential payment provided for at night, and energy received from its own solar battery. By using the regenerative power of natural resources to move, you are making a personal and important contribution to a healthy future for our planet. Where there are electric cars, there are EV charging technologies as well. EV charging stations should replace the Gas stations as Electric Cars are replacing diesel and petrol cars.