If you run a B2B Facebook account and you’re aware of the fact the organic reach of your page is decreasing. There are many reasons for the decrease – recent modifications to the News Feed algorithms, the rise in Facebook pages and related marketing content, and the massive increase in the number of Facebook users, which is now greater than two billion in the world.

Although it’s harder to connect with the people you’d like to be associated with However, there are ways you can increase the reach of your posts organically. Use these strategies to begin getting more followers on Facebook click here.

Upload at the appropriate time

When is the ideal time? It all depends on who your followers are and when they’re active on Facebook. Check out your Facebook Insights to check when your friends are online. You can then test alternatives. Begin with the off-peak hours (6 hours from 6 pm until 8 am). In what timeframe will you get the highest number of fans on the internet? Consider posting during that time. It’s more likely that you will be seen on their feeds on Facebook in this period, as many other Facebook pages aren’t posting during the off-peak hours. Try other times and observe what happens with engagement by looking up your results on Facebook Insights.

Post only high-quality content

Your goal should be to squeeze as much engagement from the same message as possible. Check your Facebook Insights and look at what your most popular posts are. Which ones received the most views? Which ones had the highest engagement? Examine the specifics of these posts. What kind of content did they include? What time were they published? Did they have geo-targeting or target a particular segment or demographic? Create more posts similar to them. It’s not exactly like them – but you’ll get the idea. Take your lessons from your success. Learn from the success of your rivals, too. Check out the “Pages to Watch section, where you can find out which of the most exciting content on those pages. There is a wealth of helpful information within Page Insights. Utilize it to enhance your posts and content.

Check, test, and test again.

The best part about the digital world is it can evaluate almost everything. This means that you can test almost everything. Test A/B on all your posts. Test different formats (images, video, photo albums, live videos, diverse lengths of texts, etc.) If you discover an option that you like by your fans, then create more of it followerspro.

Check out a Facebook advertising campaign.

Ad campaigns on Facebook are more precise than the feature of ‘boost posts. Many people are confused about creating an ad as opposed to the simplicity of hitting that “boost post” option. However, it’s easy to create an ad. As organic reach is shrinking, It’s an excellent idea to become familiar with the Facebook ads feature. What better way to test both and determine which is more effective?

Facebook Live and Video

Did you realize that native Facebook videos are 186% more popular and have a higher engagement rate than non-native videos? Compared to videos linked from other sites, native Facebook videos are shared more than 1000 percent more. Be aware of this for all platforms you’re using when uploading videos. Another interesting statistic is that most videos posted on Facebook are watched with sound. So, your videos must be able to convey a story without the use of audio. Instead, make use of graphics and infographics, captions, subtitles, whatever you need to create a compelling visual account. https://webivest.com/

Social video is already generating more shares by 1,200% than posts with text or images, and people seem to enjoy engaging with videos. Facebook Live video takes that engagement to the next level, becoming a hit for brands and users. People are also more inclined to view Facebook Live videos in live mode. When the video is not live, the viewer’s interest decreases dramatically.