protective packaging

A move takes a lot of energy; you can probably imagine that. You can engage a moving company so that you can get through the move a lot more relaxed and relaxed, but this also comes with a price tag. Would you rather go for a budget move? In this blog article, we give you a number of tips for a cheap move.

Moving on a small budget

There is a lot going on around a move. In most cases, a move costs a lot of money, more than you may have thought of in advance. Even if you do not engage a moving company, you incur costs: from buying moving boxes to renting a larger bus or truck. Or how about the new stuff and furniture you want to buy for your new home? It can also be very expensive if you work carelessly and cause damage to furniture or the house itself during the moving day. All in all, a lot of costs that you have to take into account.

Moving on a budget, therefore, requires even better preparation and planning.

The importance of good preparation

‘A good start is half done is a well-known and often-used saying. This certainly applies when moving house. If you do not plan properly, you can assume that you will get into a mess during your move.

Before moving, drawing up a list of everything you want to move is important. For example, it is important to make a distinction between items that have to go to the new house that you may need to take to a storage location or items that go to the landfill because you never use them. A good tip is to see which items you no longer want to take to the new home but which are still valuable. You can sell these to receive financial compensation for your move. For example, with a second-hand sofa, you really make a lot of people happy, and even crockery or clothes often yield something!

Do you still hire a moving company, but do you want to reduce the costs? Then make sure that you have properly mapped out your household effects. It is, of course, a shame if the moving company makes an offer that is too high because it turns out that not all items need to be taken with you, and you dispose of them before the moving day.

Rent materials

You might be surprised at how much it costs to buy really good materials to pack your things with. But, our tip is also to handle this accurately. You may think that moving blankets or bubble wraps are unnecessary, but damage to your belongings will ultimately be more expensive. Many moving companies or online websites nowadays give you the option to rent moving boxes. For a fixed amount (and a deposit that you get back when you return it), you can pack your things in a budget way. Also, ask around with family, friends or neighbors who have recently moved. They may still have boxes or materials that you can use or buy for a small price. You also need other protective packaging materials like mattress and rug storage covers, chilled packaging boxes, etc.

Ask for help from family and friends.

Many hands make light work. This also applies when moving house. Don’t have a budget to call in a professional moving service? Then ask family and friends if they can help pack and carry boxes and large items on moving day. Also, indicate that you would like to be there for them again when they need help. That way, you can lend each other a hand.

Limit moving company costs

Can’t you do everything yourself or with the help of loved ones? Fortunately, there are still plenty of options for hiring a moving company, even with a lower budget.

  • Request multiple quotes: it is smart to request a quote from various removal companies in your area. Moving companies will differ a lot in price or estimate. That way you can make a good choice.
  • Do not take full service but only part of the services: a quote will, of course, become more expensive if you also purchase additional services such as assembly service. See what you can do yourself and only hire a moving company for the essentials. For example, pack your boxes yourself and let the moving company just carry and transport them.
  • Be smart about the day of the move: moving companies often charge an extra fee for a move over the weekend or an urgent move (short term). So try to move during the week and request a quote well in advance.

Let a Professional Mover help you.

Are you worried that you don’t have enough time for your upcoming move? For example, because you do not have enough (special) leave days or because it concerns a major move? Then it is wise to consider hiring a professional moving company. Movers know exactly what they must do to make your move quickly and efficiently. This way, you have a lot less stress around the moving day.

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