Can We begin an essay with a question?

The word “essay” in French means “sketch” or “sketch”. Such works reflect the personal experiences of the author, his opinion and attitude to a particular problem. However, the essay does not give direct answers to the questions, it should only show the individual view of the author.

Writing an essay contributes to the development of logic, the ability to make arguments, proving one’s views. It teaches how to convey information correctly, usually in a conversational style.


  • Essay Features
  • What words to start with?
  • How to learn to write an essay
  • Help writing an essay

To write an essay correctly, you need to know and take into account the specifics of this genre, because it differs even from ordinary essays.

Essay Features

The work has a narrowly focused theme, it contains a question and prompts a person to think.

The position of the author is subjective. write my dissertation reveals the author’s view of a specific problem, his worldview, speech and logic.

The style of speech is colloquial. Complex wording and terms are not typical for an essay; long sentences are rarely used. You need to maintain an informal style so that the reader is imbued with the opinion. But you can’t use slang and jargon, such a text does not correspond to the genre.

The question or problem on the topic is analysed in detail. On the topic in the essay, you need to show a look from different angles, and argue the opinion with facts.

Be brief. The volume of the essay is neither limited, nor large.

The construction of the text is not defined by rules. Just stick to the logic of reasoning, the text must be consistent.

It is impossible to express contradictory points of view. The author does not have to prove that his point of view is the only correct one, he must correctly express it so that the reader can think it over and draw his own conclusions.

What words to start with?

A common problem when writing an essay is the choice of the beginning of the presentation. This happens to many, regardless of the point of view. The choice of the beginning can be delayed, it confuses the author and takes a significant part of the time. To avoid this problem, use the following tips:

First, formulate the idea of ​​the text, decide on an opinion and find suitable sources of information.

Try to follow the following writing technique: suppose about the theme of the essay to yourself, and write your thoughts shortly and besides watching spelling and punctuation, with abbreviations, write down on a draft. This will save you to search words to work with. After that, make sentences in accordance with all the rules.

Don’t wait for long ideas for entry. You can begin writing the fundamental phase of the work, or write an essay in full, and select an introduction based totally on what was once written.

The thesis in the essay can be affirmative and interrogative. The best way is to make the introduction interrogative. Ask a question and answer it later.

How to learn to write an essay

The outline of the essay consists of three parts.


It is needed to introduce the topic.

From the introduction, the first opinion(Custom Essay Writer) about the text is formed by the reader. It may interest or repel, so experimenting with the introduction is not recommended. In the introduction, indicate the wording of the question, its significance and relevance. You can ask a rhetorical question in the form of reasoning or quote with the desired indication of the author. Convince the reader of the relevance of the issue and interest him.

Main part

It reveals the author’s point of view on the question or thesis from the introduction from different angles.

The main part does not go in continuous text, it is divided into smaller parts. In the first one, you need to indicate your opinion, describe how you understand the topic and how you feel about it. Next, justify your opinion with arguments. Usually these are facts from life, scientific research, opinions of scientists who are widely known. You can cite facts from history. After the argument, answer your question based on the arguments.


Draw conclusions according to the thesis. These conclusions should logically complete the discussion and not leave the topic open.

Basically, the impression of the read work is formed due to the introduction and conclusion. The introduction should ideally intrigue the reader a little, and the conclusion should give a fairly clear answer to the introduction.

Help writing an essay

In order Essay Writing Price to add dynamics to the text, alternate long sentences with short ones. Avoid repetition.

Complicated terms are not recommended, not everyone knows their meaning.

A large number of “general phrases” repel. The essay shows the opinion and the personality behind it.

Refrain from sarcasm and satire. These techniques are typical for other genres.

In order for the reader to be imbued, show in your work your feelings about this problem, but do not be zealous with it.

In an essay, an outline can help with the logic of the reasoning. Don’t deviate from it.

Reread the essay several times, make sure that all the arguments are on the topic and there are no unnecessary phrases.

Facts and research are the most convincing arguments. Look for suitable ones, confirm their opinion.