the IELTS Exam

Grammar forms the essence of any language. It is that crucial set of conventions that helps an individual to learn the nuances of a language. Grammar defines the way sentences are framed together. If you want to be fluent in the English language it’s crucial to gauge the rules of English grammar. Vocabulary, pronunciation, etc will surely help you do well in the IELTS exam. But if you are unaware of the English grammar rules you are going to fail terribly. This article will help you know the basic components of English grammar- active and passive voice.

Before discussing active passive voice let us understand why grammar matters during the IELTS exam. Whether you are attempting the reading or the writing module in the IELTS exam, correct usage of grammar will be crucial in determining your band score. So you have written an article using a wide range of vocabulary. There are adequate examples in the article. You have written the article within the required word limit. But once the examiner starts checking your article he finds many grammatical errors – incorrect usage of tenses, prepositions, etc, no proper clauses, etc.

Do you think you will get a good score then? Obviously no! So proficiency in English grammar is fundamental to getting good band scores on the IELTS exam. You can connect with the best IELTS institute in Jalandhar to enhance your grammatical knowledge. 


This article will enable you to know about the correct usage of active and passive voice in the IELTS exam.


Why is grammar important?

The key to speaking English effortlessly and confidently is proper grammar. Understanding basic grammar will enable you to avoid making mistakes that cause your English to sound weird to native speakers. Correct grammar will display not only your English skills but also your diligence and attention to detail. This is especially vital if you want to study abroad. Colleges will most likely evaluate your academic English depending on your mastery of English grammar. So with adequate grammar knowledge will be able to perform really well in the IELTS Exam or any other language proficiency test. 


Basics of active and passive voice

The first concept you need to know is about active and passive voice. The formula that you need to know very well is as follows:

Subject + Verb + Object

The person who is doing some action, also known as the doer is the subject of the sentence. Now the object is basically that thing upon which the subject is acting. 

To understand this in a better way let us discuss an example. 

Rahul is feeding the cows

Now in this sentence can you find the subject? Well, it is Rahul as he is performing some action (feeding the cows) Can you find out the object? Now, the action of feeding is being performed on the cows. And as we read before the object is the one who receives the subject’s action. So Rahul will be the subject, cows the object, and feeding the verb here. This is an active voice. Let us know about passive voice now through the same example. If we rewrite the sentence as

The cows are being fed by Rahul

So in this sentence, the subject of the earlier sentence i.e Rahul is being acted upon by the verb. The target of the action is the focus of the passive voice, and the verb acts on the subject. Alternatively, in the passive voice, the verb acts on the subject.

You will always use a linking verb in a passive voice sentence. We hope you can gauge this concept easily now. 


Things to keep in mind while using voice in IELTS modules

If you receive a process diagram in Academic IELTS Task 1, passive is required. In this scenario, you will use it throughout your process explanation. Use passive voice while describing and delineating the trends and other information shown in the process diagram. 

In the speaking module, the active voice is significantly more likely to be the correct one to use. We rarely employ passive voice because the IELTS exam speaking module is primarily concerned with your own views. Avoid employing the passive form on purpose. So try to use active often during the speaking task.

Are you all set to commence your preparations for the IELTS exam? Why not better your preparations by seeking guidance from the best IELTS institute in Ludhiana?


Summing it up

If you want to do well in the IELTS exam you have to pay proper attention to the major components of English grammar. One of the basic elements of grammar is active and passive voice. You would be using these on the basis of the context of the text. It is crucial to have a thorough understanding of both of these so that you can use them correctly in your IELTS tasks. We surely hope that the above article made this concept easily understandable for you.