Umrah Packages UK

Last Updated on April 15, 2024 by Ali Hamza

Do you think that you can perform Umrah of only one kind? If you are thinking so then you need to know that there are types of Umrah Packages UK. Muslims perform this minor pilgrimage, Umrah to get the blessings of Allah Almighty. Allah Almighty increases closeness with a person performing Umrah. Umrah is a preferred Sunnah but it is not obligatory for Muslims.

Our Holy Prophet PBUH performed this Sunnah with his companions. Muslims perform Umrah in remembrance of his Sunnah. Umrah is sacred worship to please Allah Almighty. Hence, it is a great blessing for every Muslim. They get a chance to increase their closeness with Allah Almighty. Muslims have a strong belief that they cleanse themselves when they perform Umrah. Makkahtours is also giving you chance to increase your closeness with Allah with their Umrah packages UK.

Two Types of Umrah:

As we know that Umrah is a sacred and minor pilgrimage. Muslims perform Umrah and cleanse themselves from their past sins. Umrah is completed before the beginning of the rituals of Hajj. Here, we will discuss the types of Umrah. There are two types of Umrah. Hence, we will discuss these types one by one along with their rules and guidelines fixed by Allah Almighty for Muslims.

  • Umrah ul Mufradah
  • Umrah Al Tamattu

It is the most necessary thing that the pilgrims must know about the rituals, rules, and regulations of these two types of Umrah. They need to better understand what are the differences between these types of Umrah. Although, these two types of Umrah have different timings, rituals, and rewards given by Allah Almighty. In this article, you will have a better understanding of what are the key differences between Umrah ul Mufradah and Umrah Al Tamattu.

Umrah ul Mufradah:

This type of Umrah is independent of Hajj. You can not combine the rituals of this type of Umrah with Hajj. It is an independent pilgrimage that is not dependent on Hajj. You can perform this type of Umrah anytime in the year. But you can not perform it in the month of Dhul-Hijjah. In addition, it is the time of the year to perform Hajj. Due to this fact, we can not perform Umrah ul Mufradah in the month of Dhul-Hijjah. We have Umrah packages for you to perform Umrah ul Mufradah.

A person who is willing to perform Umrah ul Mufradah can go to perform it in Ramadan as well as in any month of the year except the month of Dhul-Hijjah. But if you are going to specify any month for Umrah ul Mufradah then the holy month of Rajab can be the best month to perform this type of Umrah. Avail the Umrah packages UK for Makkahtours.

Rules and guidelines of Umrah ul Mufradah:

  • First of all, you do not need a group to perform this type of Umrah. You can perform Umrah ul Mufradah alone and independently. Additionally, one thing you need to know is that it has to be performed before the beginning of the Hajj rituals.
  • If a person is mentally, physically, and financially strong then it is an obligation on him to perform Umrah ul Mufradah. When his capacity to perform Hajj is insufficient and he can perform Umrah ul Mufradah then he or she must perform it. In this way, Allah Almighty shows how an optional thing can become an obligation. Umrah is optional for Muslims but when they are enough stable to perform Umrah and not enough stable to perform Hajj then this optional pilgrimage becomes an obligation for a Muslim.
  • One more important thing about Umrah ul Mufradah that you need to know is that you can not perform Umrah ul Mufradah two times in a lunar month of the Islamic calendar. Pilgrims can only perform this type of Umrah once in a lunar month.
  • There is a possibility to perform Umrah ul Mufradah two times in a lunar month. If one Unruh you are performing is for yourself then you can perform another Umrah on the behalf of another person but you can not perform it again for yourself. The Umrah you perform on the behalf of another person is called Umrah Badal.
  • Umrah ul Mufradah has seven rituals. These rituals are obligatory for a Muslim. These seven rituals are
  1. Ihram
  2. Tawaf
  3. Namaz e Tawaf
  4. Sa’ee
  5. Taqsir
  6. Tawaf un Nisa
  7. Namaz e Tawaf un Nisa
  8. If you are performing Umrah ul Mufradah and you are staying in Mecca up to the 8th of the month of Dhul-Hijjah then this is Umrah Al Tamattu. In this type of Umrah, you have to perform the ritual of sacrifice also.

Umrah Al Tamattu:

This type of Umrah is contrary to Umrah ul Mufradah. Umrah ul Mufradah can not be performed in the month of Dhul-Hijjah but Umrah Al Tamattu CA be performed in the month of Dhul-Hijjah. This type of Umrah is convenient for many pilgrims. It is because they can perform both Hajj and Umrah at the same time. In this way, they can perform Umrah and Hajj in the same amount. It is a kind of advantage for Muslims. Makkahtours offers you Umrah packages UK for which you can perform Umrah Al Tamattu and Umrah ul Mufradah as well. We will let you know how much does umrah cost from UK.

Rules and guidelines of Umrah Al Tamattu:

  • There are some months fixed for the performance of Umrah Al Tamattu. You can not perform this type of Umrah every month. Umrah Al Tamattu can only be performed on the days of Hajj. The month in which you can perform Umrah Al Tamattu is Shawwal, Dhul Qadah, and Dhul-Hijjah.
  • If you are performing Umrah Al Tamattu then it does not mean that you will remain separate from the pilgrims of Hajj. You must have to perform Umrah Al Tamattu with the pilgrims of Hajj.
  • Moreover, you can not leave Mecca before the completion of the Hajj. You must have to stay in Mecca until the Hajj is completed.
  • In Surah Al Baqarah of the Holy Quran, it is mentioned that the people who are the residents of Mecca do not need to perform Umrah Al Tamattu
  • There are also some rituals of Umrah Al Tamattu. These rituals are here:
  • Ihram
  • Tawaf
  • Prayer of Tawaf
  • Sa’i
  • Taqsir

One must have to fulfill these rituals for the completion of Umrah Al Tamattu. You can avail of our Umrah packages UK for the performance of Umrah.

  • Tawaf un Nisa which is present in the rituals of Umrah ul Mufradah is not an obligatory ritual among the rituals of Umrah Al Tamattu. Pilgrims have to perform Tawaf with the prayer.
  • Last, is shaving of the head which is Halq. It can not be a substitution for the Taqsir. Men are recommended to trim their hair after the completion of the rituals of Umrah Al Tamattu. On the other hand, Halq is a requirement in the rituals of Hajj.


In short, there are two types of Umrah. All the guidelines and rules of these two types of Umrah are present in this article. We hope that after reading this article, you have cleared your confusion about the two types of Umrah. Moreover, Makkahtours is giving you Umrah packages. Come and avail the Umrah packages. We wish you a piece of very good luck.