One of man’s oldest chemical processes is the creation of salt. Although salt is naturally created when seawater evaporates, the process may be replicated to provide a bigger output. While some edible salt manufacturers in Gujarat manufacture salt using traditional methods, newer, faster, and less expensive technologies have emerged. The resulting product will have varying flavours and textures depending on the source of the salt and the process employed to manufacture it.

Three Main Ways To Obtain Salt

Sea Water Evaporation 

This is the most traditional technique of producing salt. It has been employed since the discovery of salt crystals in confined seawater pools. It is only useful in warm climates where the evaporation rate exceeds the precipitation rate, either annually or over long periods, and ideally, where there are consistent prevailing winds. Solar salt manufacturing is typically accomplished by collecting salt water in shallow ponds where the sun evaporates most of the water. 

The concentrated brine precipitates the salt, and mechanical harvesting equipment then collects it. Before harvesting, any contaminants found in the brine are drained and removed. Ponds are typical of two types. The first is the concentrating pond, which gathers seawater or salt lakes’ salinity. The second is the crystallizing pond, where the salt is created.

Extraction Of Salt From The Soil

We also employ the second-oldest type of salt production: underground mining. This is most likely the most dramatic method of collecting salt. Large machinery executes numerous functions as they navigate through vast cave-like corridors.

Salt mines are among the most secure of all mines, and they are also the most pleasant free flow salt manufacturers in gujarat  to work in. While the temperature in the mine varies with depth, the average temperature remains around 70° F all year.

Salt and coal can both be found in veins. The original bedded salt deposits are the veins. Domes, which resemble plugs of almost-circular shape a few hundred yards to a mile across, were produced when Earth pressures drove salt up through cracks in the bedrock from depths as great as 30,000 or 40,000 feet. Some domes are found near the surface. Domes and veins are mined in the same way. 

Producing Salt Brines

Our company uses steam heat to evaporate salt brine in massive commercial evaporators known as vacuum pans, another form of salt manufacturing. This process produces a very pure salt with a fine texture that is primarily utilized in applications that require the finest quality salt. 

The first stage of the activity is referred to as solution mining.Wells are drilled into the salt deposit spaced a few hundred to a thousand feet apart. These wells are linked together via lateral drilling, a relatively new method. The solution mining operation begins after the wells are connected and are fed into enormous storage tanks. 

Most regular table salts are made from salt brines, whereas speciality or gourmet salts are still made from seawater evaporation; industrial salts are obtained by mining. Only 6% of the 220 million tonnes of salt produced is used for human use.

Sea salt

Sea salt accounts for around 3.5 per cent of the world’s oceans. It occurs naturally when small ponds and bays dry up in the heat and wind, leaving big salt crystals behind where the salty water previously was. When sea salt is produced on a wide scale, seawater is deposited in large “concentrating ponds” to facilitate effective evaporation from the sun and wind. Sea salt production can only take place in places with minimal rainfall to allow for enough time for evaporation. As a result, sea salt is frequently generated in dry areas like the Mediterranean and Australia.

Sea salt is made on a much smaller scale with ancient, expert procedures. Fleur de sel is an artisan salt type example that is still made using traditional processes. This light, flaky salt is produced in small ponds in France throughout the summer months of May to September.

Rock Salt

Rock salt (halite) is found in the Earth’s rocky subsurface layers and can be mined through deep-shaft mining. These massive salt deposits were formed by ancient underground streams that have long since dried up.

Rock salt is harvested using dynamite in the same way as any other mineral. It is crushed and utilised for industrial and other non-food purposes once it reaches the Earth’s surface. This form of salt is rich in minerals and other contaminants.

Brines with salt

While the ocean is a natural salt brine, hydraulic salt mining (or solution mining) entails pumping water beneath the Earth’s surface to dissolve salt deposits and produce a salt brine. The brine is subsequently pumped to the surface and evaporated, resulting in salt. Before evaporation, the salty brine can be treated to minimize mineral content, yielding a nearly pure sodium chloride crystal. This process is cheap, has a large yield, and produces highly pure salt.


With our brand, we manufacture several varieties of SALT (Sodium Chloride Products) for the Indian domestic market and salt export from india to many places worldwide.

We are one of the best free flow salt manufacturers in India and manufacture products for Table Salt, including Free Flow Iodized Salt & Triple Refined Free Flow Iodized Salt, Refined Edible iodized Salt & Refined Free Flow Iodized Salt, Common Salt (Iodized & Non-Iodized), Industrial Salt, Oversize Salt, Refined Salt 30 Mash, Uncrushed Salt, etc.