Close up top view of a man's head with hair transplant surgery with a receding hair line. - 1-5 months after Bald head of hair loss treatment.

Hair transplants have been around since the late 1950s, and they’ve been widely popular in recent years as well. A hair transplant procedure involves removing healthy follicles from the back of your head and placing them elsewhere on your head, where you’re experiencing baldness or thinning hair. But why would you choose to get a hair transplant when other hair loss treatments are available? Here are some of the reasons why more and more people are getting their first, second or third hair transplants in Dubai from Alborj Hair Clinic.

Asking the right questions

If you’re thinking of getting a hair transplant, it’s important to ask plenty of questions. Do some research—read as many different reviews and articles as possible, compare clinics by price or region. Also, talk with your potential doctor about their philosophy on transplants. Do they specialize in certain procedures? How long has their clinic been around? You should be comfortable with your choice so that you can feel confident moving forward with surgery (and knowing it was the right decision). Hopefully these points help! Good luck! – Jason M., Customer Service Representative, Alborj Hair Clinic.

Make sure it’s a good deal

If you’re thinking about getting a hair transplant, make sure to find a reputable clinic. Alborj is one of Dubai’s leading hair transplant clinics—it has a loyal following among customers who have been happy with their service. Prices range from £3,000 to £9,000, depending on which package you choose. A full head of hair can cost anywhere between £6-10k at top clinics in London or New York. However, more affordable options are available (at places like Costa del Sol) for less than £2k; do your research before booking your trip! To cover costs of travel and accommodation (which will be incurred if travelling from outside of Dubai), it’s recommended that you factor those expenses into your budget as well.

Medical tourism – where do you go?

You may need more than one session if you want to cover a large area or a lot of hair loss, but be sure to discuss your exact needs with your surgeon. This is an important part of making an informed decision about moving forward with surgery. Be sure that you understand what it will take to get you to where you’d like to be. Keep in mind that most surgeons offer multiple procedures at discounted rates when performed as a package deal. Your doctor can help you decide which procedures are right for you based on your individual situation. Also, keep in mind that there are many factors to consider when choosing a clinic: cost, location (you’ll probably want to choose somewhere close enough so that you can easily travel there), reputation of clinic and doctors, quality of care provided (you should look into whether or not they have any complaints filed against them), post-operative care provided (do they provide follow-up visits?), etc. Check out our guide for some general tips on how to choose a good clinic.

How long will it take?

A Dubai hair transplant usually takes about 4 hours from start to finish. Once you have been anesthetized, a surgeon will remove small sections of your scalp one at a time. These pieces of skin are then dissected into smaller strips that can be transplanted onto balding areas. The procedure is repeated until all of your balding spots have been covered by new growth. It’s important to note that a few hairs may fall out after surgery but that they’ll grow back within 6-8 weeks. Your new hair should continue growing for several years before it starts thinning again, so if you’re planning on getting a Dubai hair transplant, it’s best to do so early while you still have plenty of donor tissue available.

What if I need more than one session?

It’s possible to lose a substantial amount of hair with a single session, but it’s likely that you’ll need more than one transplant to achieve your goals. If you think you might need multiple sessions, ask your doctor about transplantation yield—this is the number of hairs each graft typically survives once transplanted. The higher that number is, the less work you may need down the line. Of course, don’t expect any surgeon to provide a solid answer on exactly how many sessions you’ll need; there are too many variables involved to know for sure. Some hair-loss factors your doctor might not be able to control include scarring from previous procedures (if any) and density levels.

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Liam Smith
Liam Smith is a health and fitness blogger who is passionate about helping people achieve their health and fitness goals. With over 6 years of experience in the fitness industry, Liam has worked with a wide range of clients, from beginners to professional athletes. He has written extensively on topics such as strength training, nutrition, and weight loss, and he is dedicated to providing practical and actionable advice to his readers. Liam believes that everyone has the potential to achieve their health and fitness goals, and his mission is to help them get there. When he's not writing or working with clients, Liam enjoys running, hiking, and trying out new healthy recipes.